Local view for "http://wifo5-04.informatik.uni-mannheim.de/drugbank/resource/drugs/DB07420"

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" experimental This compound belongs to the diarylethers. These are organic compounds containing the dialkyl ether functional group, with the formula ROR', where R and R' are aryl groups. Diarylethers Organic Compounds Organooxygen Compounds Ethers Diarylethers Phenol Ethers Sulfonic Acids Organic Sulfites Sulfonyls Organic Phosphonic Acids Polyamines phenol ether benzene sulfonic acid sulfonic acid derivative sulfonyl phosphonic acid derivative organic sulfite phosphonic acid polyamine logP 0.94 ALOGPS logS -2.9 ALOGPS Water Solubility 5.35e-01 g/l ALOGPS logP 2.27 ChemAxon IUPAC Name (1R)-4-(3-phenoxyphenyl)-1-phosphonobutane-1-sulfonic acid ChemAxon Traditional IUPAC Name (1R)-4-(3-phenoxyphenyl)-1-phosphonobutane-1-sulfonic acid ChemAxon Molecular Weight 386.357 ChemAxon Monoisotopic Weight 386.058910164 ChemAxon SMILES [H][C@@](CCCC1=CC=CC(OC2=CC=CC=C2)=C1)(P(O)(O)=O)S(O)(=O)=O ChemAxon Molecular Formula C16H19O7PS ChemAxon InChI InChI=1S/C16H19O7PS/c17-24(18,19)16(25(20,21)22)11-5-7-13-6-4-10-15(12-13)23-14-8-2-1-3-9-14/h1-4,6,8-10,12,16H,5,7,11H2,(H2,17,18,19)(H,20,21,22)/t16-/m1/s1 ChemAxon InChIKey InChIKey=RCGCZPXSRLLKCK-MRXNPFEDSA-N ChemAxon Polar Surface Area (PSA) 121.13 ChemAxon Refractivity 92.11 ChemAxon Polarizability 35.9 ChemAxon Rotatable Bond Count 8 ChemAxon H Bond Acceptor Count 6 ChemAxon H Bond Donor Count 3 ChemAxon pKa (strongest acidic) -1.1 ChemAxon pKa (strongest basic) -8.7 ChemAxon Physiological Charge -2 ChemAxon Number of Rings 2 ChemAxon Bioavailability 1 ChemAxon Rule of Five true ChemAxon Ghose Filter true ChemAxon PubChem Compound 24748047 PubChem Substance 99443891 PDB B65 BE0003866 Dehydrosqualene synthase Staphylococcus aureus # Berman HM, Westbrook J, Feng Z, Gilliland G, Bhat TN, Weissig H, Shindyalov IN, Bourne PE: The Protein Data Bank. Nucleic Acids Res. 2000 Jan 1;28(1):235-42. "Pubmed":http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10592235 unknown Dehydrosqualene synthase Lipid transport and metabolism Catalyzes the head-to-head condensation of two molecules of farnesyl diphosphate (FPP) into the colorless C(30) carotenoid dehydrosqualene (4,4'-diapophytoene). This is the initial step in the biosynthesis of staphyloxanthin, an orange carotenoid present in most staphylococci strains crtM None 6.05 34312.8 Staphylococcus aureus GeneCards crtM GenBank Gene Database AM920687 GenBank Protein Database 161788394 UniProtKB A9JQL9 UniProt Accession CRTM_STAAU 4,4'-diapophytoene synthase DAP synthase Diapophytoene synthase >Dehydrosqualene synthase MTMMDMNFKYCHKIMKKHSKSFSYAFDLLPEDQRKAVWAIYAVCRKIDDSIDVYGDIQFL NQIKEDIQSIEKYPYEYHHFQSDRRIMMALQHVAQHKNIAFQSFYNLIDTVYKDQHFTMF ETDAELFGYCYGVAGTVGEVLTPILSDHETHQTYDVARRLGESLQLINILRDVGEDFENE RIYFSKQRLKQYEVDIAEVYQNGVNNHYIDLWEYYAAIAEKDFRDVMDQIKVFSIEAQPI IELAARIYIEILDEVRQANYTLHERVFVEKRKKAKLFHEINSKYHRI PF00494 SQS_PSY function transferase activity function catalytic activity process metabolism process biosynthesis process physiological process "
"(1R)-4-(3-phenoxyphenyl)-1-phosphonobutane-1-sulfonic acid"

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