Local view for "https://dbmi-icode-01.dbmi.pitt.edu/dikb/resource/Evidence/258"

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"Route of administration: oral study duration: 14 days pretreatment with diltiazem population: male: 5 female: 5 ages: 27-38 NOTE: investigators measured the "open acid form" of lovastatin which we take to be equivalent to the lovastatin lactone's immediate child metabolite, beta-hydroxy-lovastatin Quote: This was a balanced, randomized, open-label, 4-way crossover study in 10 healthy volunteers, with a 2-week washout period between the phases. Study arms were (1) administration of a single dose of 20 mg lovastatin, (2) administration of a single dose of 20 mg pravastatin, (3) administration of a single dose of lovastatin after administration of 120 mg diltiazem twice a day for 2 weeks, and (4) administration of a single dose of pravastatin after administration of 120 mg diltiazem twice a day for 2 weeks. RESULTS: Diltiazem significantly (P < .05) increased the oral area under the serum concentration-time curve (AUC) of lovastatin from 3607 +/- 1525 ng/ml/min (mean +/- SD) to 12886 +/- 6558 ng/ml/min and maximum serum concentration (Cmax) from 6 +/- 2 to 26 +/- 9 ng/ml but did not influence the elimination half-life. Diltiazem did not affect the oral AUC, Cmax, or half-life of pravastatin."
"10/15/2007 11:00:05"

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The resource appears as object in one triple:

{ diltiazem_increases_auc_beta-hydroxy-lovastatin, <http://purl.org/swan/1.2/swan-commons#citesAsSupportingEvidence>, evidence_1027 }

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