Local view for "https://dbmi-icode-01.dbmi.pitt.edu/dikb/resource/Evidence/791"

PredicateValue (sorted: default)
"CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY ... Following oral administration, metronidazole is well absorbed, with peak plasma concentrations occurring between one and two hours after administration. Plasma concentrations of metronidazole are proportional to the administered dose. Oral administration of 250 mg, 500 mg, or 2,000 mg produced peak plasma concentrations of 6 mcg/mL, 12 mcg/mL, and 40 mcg/mL, respectively. Studies reveal no significant bioavailability differences between males and females; however, because of weight differences, the resulting plasma levels in males are generally lower. 6mcg/mL X 1g/10^6mcg X 1000mL/L = 0.0006g/L"
"09/24/2009 10:29:32"

All properties reside in the graph file:///home/swish/src/ClioPatria/guidelines/dikb.ttl

The resource appears as object in one triple:

{ metronidazole_maximum_concentration_continuous_value, <http://purl.org/swan/1.2/swan-commons#citesAsSupportingEvidence>, evidence_1678 }

Context graph