Table for the 18 triples for predicate <> with range rdfs:Resource

?:TrDecreaseBC?:Blood Coagulation is Low
?:TrDecreaseBP?:Blood Pressure is Normal
?:TrDecreaseLBS?:Level of Blood Sugar is Normal
?:TrDecreaseRiskGIB?:Risk of Gastrointestinal Bleeding is Low
?:TrDecreaseRiskThrombus?:Risk of Thrombus is Low
?:TrHealingUlcer?:Ulcer is healed
?:TrIncreaseBP?:Blood Pressure is High
?:TrIncreaseLBS?:Level of Blood Sugar is High
?:TrIncreaseRiskGIB?:Risk of Gastrointestinal Bleeding is High
?:TrIncreaseRiskThrombus?:Risk of Thrombus is Medium
?:TrNoneSitDUUnhealed?:Ulcer is unhealed
?:TrNoneSitHighBP?:Blood Pressure is High
?:TrNoneSitHighLBS?:Level of Blood Sugar is High
?:TrNoneSitHighRiskGIB?:Risk of Gastrointestinal Bleeding is High
?:TrNoneSitLowBC?:Blood Coagulation is Low
?:TrNoneSitMediumRiskThrombus?:Risk of Thrombus is Medium
?:TrNoneSitPatientHasPain?:Patient has Pain
?:TrPainkiller?:Patient has no Pain