38:- module(plunit,
39 [ set_test_options/1, 40 begin_tests/1, 41 begin_tests/2, 42 end_tests/1, 43 run_tests/0, 44 run_tests/1, 45 load_test_files/1, 46 running_tests/0, 47 current_test/5, 48 current_test_unit/2, 49 test_report/1 50 ]).
58:- autoload(library(statistics), [call_time/2]). 59:- autoload(library(apply), [maplist/3,include/3]). 60:- autoload(library(lists), [member/2,append/2]). 61:- autoload(library(option), [option/3,option/2]). 62:- autoload(library(ordsets), [ord_intersection/3]). 63:- autoload(library(pairs), [group_pairs_by_key/2,pairs_values/2]). 64:- autoload(library(error), [must_be/2]). 65:- autoload(library(thread), [concurrent_forall/2]). 66:- autoload(library(aggregate), [aggregate_all/3]). 67:- autoload(library(streams), [with_output_to/3]). 68:- autoload(library(ansi_term), [ansi_format/3]). 69
70:- meta_predicate valid_options(+, 1). 71
73 76
77:- discontiguous
78 user:term_expansion/2. 79
80:- dynamic
81 include_code/1. 82
83including :-
84 include_code(X),
85 !,
86 X == true.
89if_expansion((:- if(G)), []) :-
90 ( including
91 -> ( catch(G, E, (print_message(error, E), fail))
92 -> asserta(include_code(true))
93 ; asserta(include_code(false))
94 )
95 ; asserta(include_code(else_false))
96 ).
97if_expansion((:- else), []) :-
98 ( retract(include_code(X))
99 -> ( X == true
100 -> X2 = false
101 ; X == false
102 -> X2 = true
103 ; X2 = X
104 ),
105 asserta(include_code(X2))
106 ; throw_error(context_error(no_if),_)
107 ).
108if_expansion((:- endif), []) :-
109 retract(include_code(_)),
110 !.
112if_expansion(_, []) :-
113 \+ including.
115user:term_expansion(In, Out) :-
116 prolog_load_context(module, plunit),
117 if_expansion(In, Out).
119swi :- catch(current_prolog_flag(dialect, swi), _, fail), !.
120swi :- catch(current_prolog_flag(dialect, yap), _, fail).
121sicstus :- catch(current_prolog_flag(system_type, _), _, fail).
124:- if(swi). 125throw_error(Error_term,Impldef) :-
126 throw(error(Error_term,context(Impldef,_))).
128:- set_prolog_flag(generate_debug_info, false). 129current_test_flag(Name, Value) :-
130 current_prolog_flag(Name, Value).
132set_test_flag(Name, Value) :-
133 create_prolog_flag(Name, Value, []).
137 \+ (C, \+ A)).
139 module_property(Module, file(File))).
141:- if(current_prolog_flag(dialect, yap)). 142
143'$set_predicate_attribute'(_, _, _).
145:- endif. 146:- endif. 147
148:- if(sicstus). 149throw_error(Error_term,Impldef) :-
150 throw(error(Error_term,i(Impldef))). 151
153:- op(700, xfx, =@=). 154
155'$set_source_module'(_, _).
162:- dynamic test_flag/2. 163
164current_test_flag(optimise, Val) :-
165 current_prolog_flag(compiling, Compiling),
166 ( Compiling == debugcode ; true 167 -> Val = false
168 ; Val = true
169 ).
170current_test_flag(Name, Val) :-
171 test_flag(Name, Val).
176set_test_flag(Name, Val) :-
177 var(Name),
178 !,
179 throw_error(instantiation_error, set_test_flag(Name,Val)).
180set_test_flag( Name, Val ) :-
181 retractall(test_flag(Name,_)),
182 asserta(test_flag(Name, Val)).
184:- op(1150, fx, thread_local). 185
186user:term_expansion((:- thread_local(PI)), (:- dynamic(PI))) :-
187 prolog_load_context(module, plunit).
189:- endif. 190
191 194
195:- initialization
196 ( current_test_flag(test_options, _)
197 -> true
198 ; set_test_flag(test_options,
199 [ run(make), 200 sto(false),
201 output(on_failure)
202 ])
203 ).
243set_test_options(Options) :-
244 valid_options(Options, global_test_option),
245 set_test_flag(test_options, Options).
247global_test_option(load(Load)) :-
248 must_be(oneof([never,always,normal]), Load).
249global_test_option(output(Cond)) :-
250 must_be(oneof([always,never, on_failure]), Cond).
251global_test_option(run(When)) :-
252 must_be(oneof([manual,make,make(all)]), When).
253global_test_option(silent(Bool)) :-
254 must_be(boolean, Bool).
255global_test_option(sto(Bool)) :-
256 must_be(boolean, Bool).
257global_test_option(cleanup(Bool)) :-
258 must_be(boolean, Bool).
259global_test_option(concurrent(Bool)) :-
260 must_be(boolean, Bool).
267loading_tests :-
268 current_test_flag(test_options, Options),
269 option(load(Load), Options, normal),
270 ( Load == always
271 -> true
272 ; Load == normal,
273 \+ current_test_flag(optimise, true)
274 ).
276 279
280:- dynamic
281 loading_unit/4, 282 current_unit/4, 283 test_file_for/2.
291begin_tests(Unit) :-
292 begin_tests(Unit, []).
294begin_tests(Unit, Options) :-
295 must_be(atom, Unit),
296 valid_options(Options, test_set_option),
297 make_unit_module(Unit, Name),
298 source_location(File, Line),
299 begin_tests(Unit, Name, File:Line, Options).
301:- if(swi). 302begin_tests(Unit, Name, File:Line, Options) :-
303 loading_tests,
304 !,
305 '$set_source_module'(Context, Context),
306 ( current_unit(Unit, Name, Context, Options)
307 -> true
308 ; retractall(current_unit(Unit, Name, _, _)),
309 assert(current_unit(Unit, Name, Context, Options))
310 ),
311 '$set_source_module'(Old, Name),
312 '$declare_module'(Name, test, Context, File, Line, false),
313 discontiguous(Name:'unit test'/4),
314 '$set_predicate_attribute'(Name:'unit test'/4, trace, false),
315 discontiguous(Name:'unit body'/2),
316 asserta(loading_unit(Unit, Name, File, Old)).
317begin_tests(Unit, Name, File:_Line, _Options) :-
318 '$set_source_module'(Old, Old),
319 asserta(loading_unit(Unit, Name, File, Old)).
321:- else. 322
325user:term_expansion((:- begin_tests(Set)),
326 [ (:- begin_tests(Set)),
327 (:- discontiguous(test/2)),
328 (:- discontiguous('unit body'/2)),
329 (:- discontiguous('unit test'/4))
330 ]).
332begin_tests(Unit, Name, File:_Line, Options) :-
333 loading_tests,
334 !,
335 ( current_unit(Unit, Name, _, Options)
336 -> true
337 ; retractall(current_unit(Unit, Name, _, _)),
338 assert(current_unit(Unit, Name, -, Options))
339 ),
340 asserta(loading_unit(Unit, Name, File, -)).
341begin_tests(Unit, Name, File:_Line, _Options) :-
342 asserta(loading_unit(Unit, Name, File, -)).
344:- endif.
353end_tests(Unit) :-
354 loading_unit(StartUnit, _, _, _),
355 !,
356 ( Unit == StartUnit
357 -> once(retract(loading_unit(StartUnit, _, _, Old))),
358 '$set_source_module'(_, Old)
359 ; throw_error(context_error(plunit_close(Unit, StartUnit)), _)
360 ).
361end_tests(Unit) :-
362 throw_error(context_error(plunit_close(Unit, -)), _).
367:- if(swi). 368
369unit_module(Unit, Module) :-
370 atom_concat('plunit_', Unit, Module).
372make_unit_module(Unit, Module) :-
373 unit_module(Unit, Module),
374 ( current_module(Module),
375 \+ current_unit(_, Module, _, _),
376 predicate_property(Module:H, _P),
377 \+ predicate_property(Module:H, imported_from(_M))
378 -> throw_error(permission_error(create, plunit, Unit),
379 'Existing module')
380 ; true
381 ).
383:- else. 384
385:- dynamic
386 unit_module_store/2. 387
388unit_module(Unit, Module) :-
389 unit_module_store(Unit, Module),
390 !.
392make_unit_module(Unit, Module) :-
393 prolog_load_context(module, Module),
394 assert(unit_module_store(Unit, Module)).
396:- endif. 397
407expand_test(Name, Options0, Body,
408 [ 'unit test'(Name, Line, Options, Module:'unit body'(Id, Vars)),
409 ('unit body'(Id, Vars) :- !, Body)
410 ]) :-
411 source_location(_File, Line),
412 prolog_load_context(module, Module),
413 atomic_list_concat([Name, '@line ', Line], Id),
414 term_variables(Options0, OptionVars0), sort(OptionVars0, OptionVars),
415 term_variables(Body, BodyVars0), sort(BodyVars0, BodyVars),
416 ord_intersection(OptionVars, BodyVars, VarList),
417 Vars =.. [vars|VarList],
418 ( is_list(Options0) 419 -> Options1 = Options0
420 ; Options1 = [Options0]
421 ),
422 maplist(expand_option, Options1, Options2),
423 valid_options(Options2, test_option),
424 valid_test_mode(Options2, Options).
426expand_option(Var, _) :-
427 var(Var),
428 !,
429 throw_error(instantiation_error,_).
430expand_option(A == B, true(A==B)) :- !.
431expand_option(A = B, true(A=B)) :- !.
432expand_option(A =@= B, true(A=@=B)) :- !.
433expand_option(A =:= B, true(A=:=B)) :- !.
434expand_option(error(X), throws(error(X, _))) :- !.
435expand_option(exception(X), throws(X)) :- !. 436expand_option(error(F,C), throws(error(F,C))) :- !. 437expand_option(true, true(true)) :- !.
438expand_option(O, O).
440valid_test_mode(Options0, Options) :-
441 include(test_mode, Options0, Tests),
442 ( Tests == []
443 -> Options = [true(true)|Options0]
444 ; Tests = [_]
445 -> Options = Options0
446 ; throw_error(plunit(incompatible_options, Tests), _)
447 ).
458expand(end_of_file, _) :-
459 loading_unit(Unit, _, _, _),
460 !,
461 end_tests(Unit), 462 fail.
463expand((:-end_tests(_)), _) :-
464 !,
465 fail.
466expand(_Term, []) :-
467 \+ loading_tests.
468expand((test(Name) :- Body), Clauses) :-
469 !,
470 expand_test(Name, [], Body, Clauses).
471expand((test(Name, Options) :- Body), Clauses) :-
472 !,
473 expand_test(Name, Options, Body, Clauses).
474expand(test(Name), _) :-
475 !,
476 throw_error(existence_error(body, test(Name)), _).
477expand(test(Name, _Options), _) :-
478 !,
479 throw_error(existence_error(body, test(Name)), _).
481:- if(swi). 482:- multifile
483 system:term_expansion/2. 484:- endif. 485
486system:term_expansion(Term, Expanded) :-
487 ( loading_unit(_, _, File, _)
488 -> source_location(ThisFile, _),
489 ( File == ThisFile
490 -> true
491 ; source_file_property(ThisFile, included_in(File, _))
492 ),
493 expand(Term, Expanded)
494 ).
497 500
501:- if(swi). 502:- else. 503must_be(list, X) :-
504 !,
505 ( is_list(X)
506 -> true
507 ; is_not(list, X)
508 ).
509must_be(Type, X) :-
510 ( call(Type, X)
511 -> true
512 ; is_not(Type, X)
513 ).
515is_not(Type, X) :-
516 ( ground(X)
517 -> throw_error(type_error(Type, X), _)
518 ; throw_error(instantiation_error, _)
519 ).
520:- endif.
529valid_options(Options, Pred) :-
530 must_be(list, Options),
531 verify_options(Options, Pred).
533verify_options([], _).
534verify_options([H|T], Pred) :-
535 ( call(Pred, H)
536 -> verify_options(T, Pred)
537 ; throw_error(domain_error(Pred, H), _)
538 ).
545test_option(Option) :-
546 test_set_option(Option),
547 !.
555test_option(forall(X)) :-
556 must_be(callable, X).
563test_set_option(blocked(X)) :-
564 must_be(ground, X).
565test_set_option(condition(X)) :-
566 must_be(callable, X).
567test_set_option(setup(X)) :-
568 must_be(callable, X).
569test_set_option(cleanup(X)) :-
570 must_be(callable, X).
571test_set_option(sto(V)) :-
572 nonvar(V), member(V, [finite_trees, rational_trees]).
573test_set_option(concurrent(V)) :-
574 must_be(boolean, V).
576 579
580:- meta_predicate
581 reify(0, -),
582 capture_output(0,-,+).
586reify(Goal, Result) :-
587 ( catch(Goal, E, true)
588 -> ( var(E)
589 -> Result = true
590 ; Result = throw(E)
591 )
592 ; Result = false
593 ).
595capture_output(Goal, Output, Options) :-
596 option(output(How), Options, always),
597 ( How == always
598 -> call(Goal)
599 ; with_output_to(string(Output), Goal,
600 [ capture([user_output, user_error])])
601 ).
604 607
608:- thread_local
609 test_count/1, 610 passed/5, 611 failed/5, 612 failed_assertion/7, 613 blocked/4, 614 sto/4, 615 fixme/5. 616
617:- dynamic
618 running/5.
631run_tests :-
632 findall(Unit, current_test_unit(Unit,_), Units),
633 run_tests(Units).
635run_tests(Set) :-
636 cleanup,
637 count_tests(Set, Count),
638 asserta(test_count(Count)),
639 setup_call_cleanup(
640 setup_trap_assertions(Ref),
641 run_unit_and_check_errors(Set),
642 report_and_cleanup(Ref)).
644report_and_cleanup(Ref) :-
645 cleanup_trap_assertions(Ref),
646 report,
647 cleanup_after_test.
649run_unit_and_check_errors(Set) :-
650 run_unit(Set),
651 all_tests_passed(_).
653run_unit([]) :- !.
654run_unit([H|T]) :-
655 !,
656 run_unit(H),
657 run_unit(T).
658run_unit(Spec) :-
659 unit_from_spec(Spec, Unit, Tests, Module, UnitOptions),
660 ( option(blocked(Reason), UnitOptions)
661 -> info(plunit(blocked(unit(Unit, Reason))))
662 ; condition(Module, unit(Unit), UnitOptions)
663 -> ( setup(Module, unit(Unit), UnitOptions)
664 -> info(plunit(begin(Spec))),
665 call_time(run_unit_2(Unit, Tests, Module, UnitOptions), Time),
666 test_summary(Unit, Summary),
667 info(plunit(end(Spec, Summary.put(time, Time)))),
668 cleanup(Module, UnitOptions)
669 )
670 ; true
671 ).
677count_tests(Spec, Count) :-
678 count_tests(Spec, 0, Count).
680count_tests([], Count, Count) :-
681 !.
682count_tests([H|T], Count0, Count) :-
683 !,
684 count_tests(H, Count0, Count1),
685 count_tests(T, Count1, Count).
686count_tests(Spec, Count0, Count) :-
687 unit_from_spec(Spec, Unit, Tests, _Module, UnitOptions),
688 ( option(blocked(_Reason), UnitOptions)
689 -> Count = Count0
690 ; var(Tests)
691 -> count(( current_test(Unit,_,_,_,TestOptions),
692 \+ option(blocked(_), TestOptions)), N),
693 Count is Count0+N
694 ; atom(Tests),
695 current_test(Unit,Tests,_,_,_)
696 -> Count is Count0+1
697 ; is_list(Tests)
698 -> count((member(T, Tests), current_test(Unit,T,_,_,_)), N),
699 Count is Count0+N
700 ; Count = Count0
701 ).
706:- if(current_prolog_flag(threads, true)). 707run_unit_2(Unit, Tests, Module, UnitOptions) :-
708 option(concurrent(true), UnitOptions, false),
709 current_test_flag(test_options, GlobalOptions),
710 option(concurrent(true), GlobalOptions),
711 !,
712 concurrent_forall((Module:'unit test'(Name, Line, Options, Body),
713 matching_test(Name, Tests)),
714 run_test(Unit, Name, Line, Options, Body)).
715:- endif. 716run_unit_2(Unit, Tests, Module, _UnitOptions) :-
717 forall(( Module:'unit test'(Name, Line, Options, Body),
718 matching_test(Name, Tests)),
719 run_test(Unit, Name, Line, Options, Body)).
722unit_from_spec(Unit, Unit, _, Module, Options) :-
723 atom(Unit),
724 !,
725 ( current_unit(Unit, Module, _Supers, Options)
726 -> true
727 ; throw_error(existence_error(unit_test, Unit), _)
728 ).
729unit_from_spec(Unit:Tests, Unit, Tests, Module, Options) :-
730 atom(Unit),
731 !,
732 ( current_unit(Unit, Module, _Supers, Options)
733 -> true
734 ; throw_error(existence_error(unit_test, Unit), _)
735 ).
738matching_test(X, X) :- !.
739matching_test(Name, Set) :-
740 is_list(Set),
741 memberchk(Name, Set).
743cleanup :-
744 thread_self(Me),
745 set_flag(plunit_test, 1),
746 retractall(test_count(_)),
747 retractall(passed(_, _, _, _, _)),
748 retractall(failed(_, _, _, _, _)),
749 retractall(failed_assertion(_, _, _, _, _, _, _)),
750 retractall(blocked(_, _, _, _)),
751 retractall(sto(_, _, _, _)),
752 retractall(fixme(_, _, _, _, _)),
753 retractall(running(_,_,_,_,Me)).
755cleanup_after_test :-
756 current_test_flag(test_options, Options),
757 option(cleanup(Cleanup), Options, false),
758 ( Cleanup == true
759 -> cleanup
760 ; true
761 ).
768run_tests_in_files(Files) :-
769 findall(Unit, unit_in_files(Files, Unit), Units),
770 ( Units == []
771 -> true
772 ; run_tests(Units)
773 ).
775unit_in_files(Files, Unit) :-
776 is_list(Files),
777 !,
778 member(F, Files),
779 absolute_file_name(F, Source,
780 [ file_type(prolog),
781 access(read),
782 file_errors(fail)
783 ]),
784 unit_file(Unit, Source).
795make_run_tests(Files) :-
796 current_test_flag(test_options, Options),
797 option(run(When), Options, manual),
798 ( When == make
799 -> run_tests_in_files(Files)
800 ; When == make(all)
801 -> run_tests
802 ; true
803 ).
805:- if(swi). 806
812set_unification_capability(Cap) :-
813 cap_to_flag(Cap, Flag),
814 set_prolog_flag(occurs_check, Flag).
816current_unification_capability(Cap) :-
817 current_prolog_flag(occurs_check, Flag),
818 cap_to_flag(Cap, Flag),
819 !.
821cap_to_flag(sto_error_incomplete, error).
822cap_to_flag(rational_trees, false).
823cap_to_flag(finite_trees, true).
825:- else. 826:- if(sicstus). 827
832:- else. 833
834unification_capability(_) :-
835 fail.
837:- endif. 838:- endif. 839
840 843
844:- if(swi). 845
846:- dynamic prolog:assertion_failed/2. 847
848setup_trap_assertions(Ref) :-
849 asserta((prolog:assertion_failed(Reason, Goal) :-
850 test_assertion_failed(Reason, Goal)),
851 Ref).
853cleanup_trap_assertions(Ref) :-
854 erase(Ref).
856test_assertion_failed(Reason, Goal) :-
857 thread_self(Me),
858 running(Unit, Test, Line, STO, Me),
859 ( catch(get_prolog_backtrace(10, Stack), _, fail),
860 assertion_location(Stack, AssertLoc)
861 -> true
862 ; AssertLoc = unknown
863 ),
864 current_test_flag(test_options, Options),
865 report_failed_assertion(Unit, Test, Line, AssertLoc,
866 STO, Reason, Goal, Options),
867 assert_cyclic(failed_assertion(Unit, Test, Line, AssertLoc,
868 STO, Reason, Goal)).
870assertion_location(Stack, File:Line) :-
871 append(_, [AssertFrame,CallerFrame|_], Stack),
872 prolog_stack_frame_property(AssertFrame,
873 predicate(prolog_debug:assertion/1)),
874 !,
875 prolog_stack_frame_property(CallerFrame, location(File:Line)).
877report_failed_assertion(Unit, Test, Line, AssertLoc,
878 STO, Reason, Goal, _Options) :-
879 print_message(
880 error,
881 plunit(failed_assertion(Unit, Test, Line, AssertLoc,
882 STO, Reason, Goal))).
884:- else. 885
889:- endif. 890
900run_test(Unit, Name, Line, Options, Body) :-
901 option(forall(Generator), Options),
902 !,
903 unit_module(Unit, Module),
904 term_variables(Generator, Vars),
905 forall(Module:Generator,
906 run_test_once(Unit, @(Name,Vars), Line, Options, Body)).
907run_test(Unit, Name, Line, Options, Body) :-
908 run_test_once(Unit, Name, Line, Options, Body).
910run_test_once(Unit, Name, Line, Options, Body) :-
911 current_test_flag(test_options, GlobalOptions),
912 option(sto(false), GlobalOptions, false),
913 !,
914 current_unification_capability(Type),
915 begin_test(Unit, Name, Line, Type),
916 capture_output(run_test_6(Unit, Name, Line, Options, Body, Result),
917 Output, GlobalOptions),
918 end_test(Unit, Name, Line, Type),
919 report_result(Result, Output, Options).
920run_test_once(Unit, Name, Line, Options, Body) :-
921 current_unit(Unit, _Module, _Supers, UnitOptions),
922 option(sto(Type), UnitOptions),
923 \+ option(sto(_), Options),
924 !,
925 current_unification_capability(Cap0),
926 call_cleanup(run_test_cap(Unit, Name, Line, [sto(Type)|Options], Body),
927 set_unification_capability(Cap0)).
928run_test_once(Unit, Name, Line, Options, Body) :-
929 current_unification_capability(Cap0),
930 call_cleanup(run_test_cap(Unit, Name, Line, Options, Body),
931 set_unification_capability(Cap0)).
933run_test_cap(Unit, Name, Line, Options, Body) :-
934 current_test_flag(test_options, GlobalOptions),
935 ( option(sto(Type), Options)
936 -> unification_capability(Type),
937 set_unification_capability(Type),
938 begin_test(Unit, Name, Line, Type),
939 capture_output(run_test_6(Unit, Name, Line, Options, Body, Result),
940 Output, GlobalOptions),
941 end_test(Unit, Name, Line, Type),
942 report_result(Result, Output, Options)
943 ; findall(Key-(r(Type,Result,Output)),
944 capture_output(test_caps(Type, Unit, Name, Line,
945 Options, Body, Result, Key),
946 Output, GlobalOptions),
947 Pairs0),
948 keysort(Pairs0, Pairs),
949 group_pairs_by_key(Pairs, Keyed),
950 ( Keyed == []
951 -> true
952 ; Keyed = [_-Results]
953 -> Results = [r(_Type,Result,Output)|_],
954 report_result(Result, Output, Options) 955 ; pairs_values(Pairs, ResultByType),
956 report_result(sto(Unit, Name, Line, ResultByType), "", Options)
957 )
958 ).
962test_caps(Type, Unit, Name, Line, Options, Body, Result, Key) :-
963 unification_capability(Type),
964 set_unification_capability(Type),
965 begin_test(Unit, Name, Line, Type),
966 run_test_6(Unit, Name, Line, Options, Body, Result),
967 end_test(Unit, Name, Line, Type),
968 result_to_key(Result, Key),
969 Key \== setup_failed,
970 Key \== condition_failed.
972:- det(result_to_key/2). 973result_to_key(blocked(_, _, _, _), blocked).
974result_to_key(failure(_, _, _, How0, _), failure(How1)) :-
975 ( How0 = succeeded(_T) -> How1 = succeeded ; How0 = How1 ).
976result_to_key(success(_, _, _, Determinism, _), success(Determinism)).
977result_to_key(setup_failed(_,_,_), setup_failed).
978result_to_key(condition_failed(_,_,_), condition_failed).
980:- det(report_result/3). 981report_result(Result, Output, Options) :-
982 current_test_flag(test_options, GlobalOptions),
983 print_test_output(Result, Output, GlobalOptions),
984 report_result(Result, Options).
986report_result(blocked(Unit, Name, Line, Reason), _) :-
987 !,
988 assert(blocked(Unit, Name, Line, Reason)).
989report_result(failure(Unit, Name, Line, How, Time), Options) :-
990 !,
991 failure(Unit, Name, Line, How, Time, Options).
992report_result(success(Unit, Name, Line, Determinism, Time), Options) :-
993 !,
994 success(Unit, Name, Line, Determinism, Time, Options).
995report_result(setup_failed(_Unit, _Name, _Line), _Options).
996report_result(condition_failed(_Unit, _Name, _Line), _Options).
997report_result(sto(Unit, Name, Line, ResultByType), Options) :-
998 assert(sto(Unit, Name, Line, ResultByType)),
999 print_message(error, plunit(sto(Unit, Name, Line))),
1000 report_sto_results(ResultByType, Options).
1002report_sto_results([], _).
1003report_sto_results([r(Type,Result,Output)|T], Options) :-
1004 print_test_output(Result, Output, Options),
1005 print_message(error, plunit(sto(Type, Result))),
1006 report_sto_results(T, Options).
1008print_test_output(Result, Output, Options) :-
1009 Output \== "",
1010 option(output(on_failure), Options),
1011 result_to_key(Result, Key),
1012 Key \= success(_),
1013 !,
1014 ansi_format(code, '~N~s', [Output]). 1015print_test_output(_, _, _).
1039run_test_6(Unit, Name, Line, Options, _Body,
1040 blocked(Unit, Name, Line, Reason)) :-
1041 option(blocked(Reason), Options),
1042 !.
1043run_test_6(Unit, Name, Line, Options, _Body, Result) :-
1044 unit_module(Unit, Module),
1045 \+ condition(Module, test(Unit,Name,Line), Options),
1046 !,
1047 Result = condition_failed(Unit, Name, Line).
1048run_test_6(Unit, Name, Line, Options, Body, Result) :-
1049 option(setup(_Setup), Options),
1050 !,
1051 ( unit_module(Unit, Module),
1052 setup(Module, test(Unit,Name,Line), Options)
1053 -> run_test_7(Unit, Name, Line, Options, Body, Result),
1054 cleanup(Module, Options)
1055 ; Result = setup_failed(Unit, Name, Line)
1056 ).
1057run_test_6(Unit, Name, Line, Options, Body, Result) :-
1058 unit_module(Unit, Module),
1059 run_test_7(Unit, Name, Line, Options, Body, Result),
1060 cleanup(Module, Options).
1069run_test_7(Unit, Name, Line, Options, Body, Result) :-
1070 option(true(Cmp), Options), 1071 !,
1072 unit_module(Unit, Module),
1073 call_time(reify(call_det(Module:Body, Det), Result0), Time),
1074 ( Result0 == true
1075 -> ( catch(Module:Cmp, E, true)
1076 -> ( var(E)
1077 -> Result = success(Unit, Name, Line, Det, Time)
1078 ; Result = failure(Unit, Name, Line, cmp_error(Cmp, E), Time)
1079 )
1080 ; Result = failure(Unit, Name, Line, wrong_answer(Cmp), Time)
1081 )
1082 ; Result0 == false
1083 -> Result = failure(Unit, Name, Line, failed, Time)
1084 ; Result0 = throw(E2)
1085 -> Result = failure(Unit, Name, Line, E2, Time)
1086 ).
1087run_test_7(Unit, Name, Line, Options, Body, Result) :-
1088 option(fail, Options), 1089 !,
1090 unit_module(Unit, Module),
1091 call_time(reify(Module:Body, Result0), Time),
1092 ( Result0 == true
1093 -> Result = failure(Unit, Name, Line, succeeded, Time)
1094 ; Result0 == false
1095 -> Result = success(Unit, Name, Line, true, Time)
1096 ; Result0 = throw(E)
1097 -> Result = failure(Unit, Name, Line, E, Time)
1098 ).
1099run_test_7(Unit, Name, Line, Options, Body, Result) :-
1100 option(throws(Expect), Options), 1101 !,
1102 unit_module(Unit, Module),
1103 call_time(reify(Module:Body, Result0), Time),
1104 ( Result0 == true
1105 -> Result = failure(Unit, Name, Line, no_exception, Time)
1106 ; Result0 == false
1107 -> Result = failure(Unit, Name, Line, failed, Time)
1108 ; Result0 = throw(E)
1109 -> ( match_error(Expect, E)
1110 -> Result = success(Unit, Name, Line, true, Time)
1111 ; Result = failure(Unit, Name, Line, wrong_error(Expect, E), Time)
1112 )
1113 ).
1114run_test_7(Unit, Name, Line, Options, Body, Result) :-
1115 option(all(Answer), Options), 1116 !,
1117 nondet_test(all(Answer), Unit, Name, Line, Options, Body, Result).
1118run_test_7(Unit, Name, Line, Options, Body, Result) :-
1119 option(set(Answer), Options), 1120 !,
1121 nondet_test(set(Answer), Unit, Name, Line, Options, Body, Result).
1128nondet_test(Expected, Unit, Name, Line, _Options, Body, Result) :-
1129 unit_module(Unit, Module),
1130 result_vars(Expected, Vars),
1131 ( call_time(reify(findall(Vars, Module:Body, Bindings), Result0), Time)
1132 -> ( Result0 == true
1133 -> ( nondet_compare(Expected, Bindings, Unit, Name, Line)
1134 -> Result = success(Unit, Name, Line, true, Time)
1135 ; Result = failure(Unit, Name, Line, wrong_answer(Expected, Bindings), Time)
1136 )
1137 ; Result0 = throw(E)
1138 -> Result = failure(Unit, Name, Line, E, Time)
1139 )
1140 ).
1147result_vars(Expected, Vars) :-
1148 arg(1, Expected, CmpOp),
1149 arg(1, CmpOp, Vars).
1159nondet_compare(all(Cmp), Bindings, _Unit, _Name, _Line) :-
1160 cmp(Cmp, _Vars, Op, Values),
1161 cmp_list(Values, Bindings, Op).
1162nondet_compare(set(Cmp), Bindings0, _Unit, _Name, _Line) :-
1163 cmp(Cmp, _Vars, Op, Values0),
1164 sort(Bindings0, Bindings),
1165 sort(Values0, Values),
1166 cmp_list(Values, Bindings, Op).
1168cmp_list([], [], _Op).
1169cmp_list([E0|ET], [V0|VT], Op) :-
1170 call(Op, E0, V0),
1171 cmp_list(ET, VT, Op).
1175cmp(Var == Value, Var, ==, Value).
1176cmp(Var =:= Value, Var, =:=, Value).
1177cmp(Var = Value, Var, =, Value).
1178:- if(swi). 1179cmp(Var =@= Value, Var, =@=, Value).
1180:- else. 1181:- if(sicstus). 1182cmp(Var =@= Value, Var, variant, Value). 1183:- endif. 1184:- endif.
1192:- if((swi|sicstus)). 1193call_det(Goal, Det) :-
1194 call_cleanup(Goal,Det0=true),
1195 ( var(Det0) -> Det = false ; Det = true ).
1196:- else. 1197call_det(Goal, true) :-
1198 call(Goal).
1199:- endif.
1206match_error(Expect, Rec) :-
1207 subsumes_term(Expect, Rec).
1220setup(Module, Context, Options) :-
1221 option(setup(Setup), Options),
1222 !,
1223 ( catch(call_ex(Module, Setup), E, true)
1224 -> ( var(E)
1225 -> true
1226 ; print_message(error, plunit(error(setup, Context, E))),
1227 fail
1228 )
1229 ; print_message(error, error(goal_failed(Setup), _)),
1230 fail
1231 ).
1238condition(Module, Context, Options) :-
1239 option(condition(Cond), Options),
1240 !,
1241 ( catch(call_ex(Module, Cond), E, true)
1242 -> ( var(E)
1243 -> true
1244 ; print_message(error, plunit(error(condition, Context, E))),
1245 fail
1246 )
1247 ; fail
1248 ).
1249condition(_, _, _).
1256call_ex(Module, Goal) :-
1257 Module:(expand_goal(Goal, GoalEx),
1258 GoalEx).
1265cleanup(Module, Options) :-
1266 option(cleanup(Cleanup), Options, true),
1267 ( catch(call_ex(Module, Cleanup), E, true)
1268 -> ( var(E)
1269 -> true
1270 ; print_message(warning, E)
1271 )
1272 ; print_message(warning, goal_failed(Cleanup, '(cleanup handler)'))
1273 ).
1275success(Unit, Name, Line, Det, Time, Options) :-
1276 memberchk(fixme(Reason), Options),
1277 !,
1278 ( ( Det == true
1279 ; memberchk(nondet, Options)
1280 )
1281 -> progress(Unit, Name, fixme(passed), Time),
1282 Ok = passed
1283 ; progress(Unit, Name, fixme(nondet), Time),
1284 Ok = nondet
1285 ),
1286 flush_output(user_error),
1287 assert(fixme(Unit, Name, Line, Reason, Ok)).
1288success(Unit, Name, Line, _, Time, Options) :-
1289 failed_assertion(Unit, Name, Line, _,_,_,_),
1290 !,
1291 failure(Unit, Name, Line, assertion, Time, Options).
1292success(Unit, Name, Line, Det, Time, Options) :-
1293 assert(passed(Unit, Name, Line, Det, Time)),
1294 ( ( Det == true
1295 ; memberchk(nondet, Options)
1296 )
1297 -> progress(Unit, Name, passed, Time)
1298 ; unit_file(Unit, File),
1299 print_message(warning, plunit(nondet(File, Line, Name)))
1300 ).
1306failure(Unit, Name, Line, _, Time, Options) :-
1307 memberchk(fixme(Reason), Options),
1308 !,
1309 progress(Unit, Name, fixme(failed), Time),
1310 assert(fixme(Unit, Name, Line, Reason, failed)).
1311failure(Unit, Name, Line, E, Time, Options) :-
1312 report_failure(Unit, Name, Line, E, Time, Options),
1313 progress(Unit, Name, failed, Time),
1314 assert_cyclic(failed(Unit, Name, Line, E, Time)).
1324:- if(swi). 1325assert_cyclic(Term) :-
1326 acyclic_term(Term),
1327 !,
1328 assert(Term).
1329assert_cyclic(Term) :-
1330 Term =.. [Functor|Args],
1331 recorda(cyclic, Args, Id),
1332 functor(Term, _, Arity),
1333 length(NewArgs, Arity),
1334 Head =.. [Functor|NewArgs],
1335 assert((Head :- recorded(_, Var, Id), Var = NewArgs)).
1336:- else. 1337:- if(sicstus). 1338:- endif. 1339assert_cyclic(Term) :-
1340 assert(Term).
1341:- endif. 1342
1359begin_test(Unit, Test, Line, STO) :-
1360 thread_self(Me),
1361 assert(running(Unit, Test, Line, STO, Me)),
1362 unit_file(Unit, File),
1363 print_message(silent, plunit(begin(Unit:Test, File:Line, STO))).
1365end_test(Unit, Test, Line, STO) :-
1366 thread_self(Me),
1367 retractall(running(_,_,_,_,Me)),
1368 unit_file(Unit, File),
1369 print_message(silent, plunit(end(Unit:Test, File:Line, STO))).
1375running_tests :-
1376 running_tests(Running),
1377 print_message(informational, plunit(running(Running))).
1379running_tests(Running) :-
1380 findall(running(Unit:Test, File:Line, STO, Thread),
1381 ( running(Unit, Test, Line, STO, Thread),
1382 unit_file(Unit, File)
1383 ), Running).
1390current_test(Unit, Test, Line, Body, Options) :-
1391 current_unit(Unit, Module, _Supers, _UnitOptions),
1392 Module:'unit test'(Test, Line, Options, Body).
1398current_test_unit(Unit, UnitOptions) :-
1399 current_unit(Unit, _Module, _Supers, UnitOptions).
1402:- meta_predicate count(0, -). 1403count(Goal, Count) :-
1404 aggregate_all(count, Goal, Count).
1410test_summary(Unit, Summary) :-
1411 count(failed(Unit, _0Test, _0Line, _Reason, _0Time), Failed),
1412 count(failed_assertion(Unit, _0Test, _0Line,
1413 _ALoc, _STO, _0Reason, _Goal), FailedAssertion),
1414 count(sto(Unit, _0Test, _0Line, _Results), STO),
1415 count(passed(Unit, _0Test, _0Line, _Det, _0Time), Passed),
1416 count(blocked(Unit, _0Test, _0Line, _0Reason), Blocked),
1417 Summary = plunit{passed:Passed,
1418 failed:Failed,
1419 failed_assertions:FailedAssertion,
1420 blocked:Blocked,
1421 sto:STO}.
1423all_tests_passed(Unit) :-
1424 test_summary(Unit, Summary),
1425 test_summary_passed(Summary).
1427test_summary_passed(Summary) :-
1428 _{failed: 0, failed_assertions: 0, sto: 0} :< Summary.
1434report :-
1435 test_summary(_, Summary),
1436 print_message(silent, plunit(Summary)),
1437 _{ passed:Passed,
1438 failed:Failed,
1439 failed_assertions:FailedAssertion,
1440 blocked:Blocked,
1441 sto:STO
1442 } :< Summary,
1443 ( Passed+Failed+FailedAssertion+Blocked+STO =:= 0
1444 -> info(plunit(no_tests))
1445 ; Failed+FailedAssertion+Blocked+STO =:= 0
1446 -> report_fixme,
1447 info(plunit(all_passed(Passed)))
1448 ; report_blocked,
1449 report_fixme,
1450 report_failed_assertions,
1451 report_failed,
1452 report_sto,
1453 info(plunit(passed(Passed)))
1454 ).
1456number_of_clauses(F/A,N) :-
1457 ( current_predicate(F/A)
1458 -> functor(G,F,A),
1459 findall(t, G, Ts),
1460 length(Ts, N)
1461 ; N = 0
1462 ).
1464report_blocked :-
1465 number_of_clauses(blocked/4,N),
1466 N > 0,
1467 !,
1468 info(plunit(blocked(N))),
1469 ( blocked(Unit, Name, Line, Reason),
1470 unit_file(Unit, File),
1471 print_message(informational,
1472 plunit(blocked(File:Line, Name, Reason))),
1473 fail ; true
1474 ).
1477report_failed :-
1478 number_of_clauses(failed/5, N),
1479 info(plunit(failed(N))).
1481report_failed_assertions :-
1482 number_of_clauses(failed_assertion/7, N),
1483 info(plunit(failed_assertions(N))).
1485report_sto :-
1486 number_of_clauses(sto/4, N),
1487 info(plunit(sto(N))).
1489report_fixme :-
1490 report_fixme(_,_,_).
1492report_fixme(TuplesF, TuplesP, TuplesN) :-
1493 fixme(failed, TuplesF, Failed),
1494 fixme(passed, TuplesP, Passed),
1495 fixme(nondet, TuplesN, Nondet),
1496 print_message(informational, plunit(fixme(Failed, Passed, Nondet))).
1499fixme(How, Tuples, Count) :-
1500 findall(fixme(Unit, Name, Line, Reason, How),
1501 fixme(Unit, Name, Line, Reason, How), Tuples),
1502 length(Tuples, Count).
1505report_failure(Unit, Name, _, assertion, Time, _) :-
1506 !,
1507 progress(Unit, Name, assertion, Time).
1508report_failure(Unit, Name, Line, Error, _Time, _Options) :-
1509 print_message(error, plunit(failed(Unit, Name, Line, Error))).
1517test_report(fixme) :-
1518 !,
1519 report_fixme(TuplesF, TuplesP, TuplesN),
1520 append([TuplesF, TuplesP, TuplesN], Tuples),
1521 print_message(informational, plunit(fixme(Tuples))).
1522test_report(What) :-
1523 throw_error(domain_error(report_class, What), _).
1534current_test_set(Unit) :-
1535 current_unit(Unit, _Module, _Context, _Options).
1540unit_file(Unit, File) :-
1541 current_unit(Unit, Module, _Context, _Options),
1542 current_module(Module, File).
1543unit_file(Unit, PlFile) :-
1544 nonvar(PlFile),
1545 test_file_for(TestFile, PlFile),
1546 current_module(Module, TestFile),
1547 current_unit(Unit, Module, _Context, _Options).
1558load_test_files(_Options) :-
1559 ( source_file(File),
1560 file_name_extension(Base, Old, File),
1561 Old \== plt,
1562 file_name_extension(Base, plt, TestFile),
1563 exists_file(TestFile),
1564 ( test_file_for(TestFile, File)
1565 -> true
1566 ; load_files(TestFile,
1567 [ if(changed),
1568 imports([])
1569 ]),
1570 asserta(test_file_for(TestFile, File))
1571 ),
1572 fail ; true
1573 ).
1586info(Term) :-
1587 message_level(Level),
1588 print_message(Level, Term).
1590progress(Unit, Name, Result, Time) :-
1591 flag(plunit_test, N, N+1),
1592 test_count(Total),
1593 print_message(information, plunit(progress(Unit, Name, Result, N/Total, Time))).
1595message_level(Level) :-
1596 current_test_flag(test_options, Options),
1597 option(silent(Silent), Options, false),
1598 ( Silent == false
1599 -> Level = informational
1600 ; Level = silent
1601 ).
1603locationprefix(File:Line) -->
1604 !,
1605 [ url(File:Line), ':\n\t' ].
1606locationprefix(test(Unit,_Test,Line)) -->
1607 !,
1608 { unit_file(Unit, File) },
1609 locationprefix(File:Line).
1610locationprefix(unit(Unit)) -->
1611 !,
1612 [ 'PL-Unit: unit ~w: '-[Unit] ].
1613locationprefix(FileLine) -->
1614 { throw_error(type_error(locationprefix,FileLine), _) }.
1616:- discontiguous
1617 message//1. 1618:- '$hide'(message//1). 1619
1620message(error(context_error(plunit_close(Name, -)), _)) -->
1621 [ 'PL-Unit: cannot close unit ~w: no open unit'-[Name] ].
1622message(error(context_error(plunit_close(Name, Start)), _)) -->
1623 [ 'PL-Unit: cannot close unit ~w: current unit is ~w'-[Name, Start] ].
1624message(plunit(nondet(File, Line, Name))) -->
1625 locationprefix(File:Line),
1626 [ 'PL-Unit: Test ~w: Test succeeded with choicepoint'- [Name] ].
1627message(error(plunit(incompatible_options, Tests), _)) -->
1628 [ 'PL-Unit: incompatible test-options: ~p'-[Tests] ].
1630 1631:- if(swi). 1632message(plunit(progress(_Unit, _Name, Result, _N_T, _Time))) -->
1633 [ at_same_line ], result(Result), [flush].
1634message(plunit(begin(Unit))) -->
1635 [ 'PL-Unit: ~w '-[Unit], flush ].
1636message(plunit(end(_Unit, Summary))) -->
1637 [ at_same_line ],
1638 ( {test_summary_passed(Summary)}
1639 -> [ ' passed' ]
1640 ; [ ansi(error, '**FAILED', []) ]
1641 ),
1642 [ ' ~3f sec'-[Summary.time.cpu] ].
1643:- else. 1644message(plunit(begin(Unit))) -->
1645 [ 'PL-Unit: ~w '-[Unit]].
1646message(plunit(end(_Unit, _Summary))) -->
1647 [ ' done'-[] ].
1648:- endif. 1649message(plunit(blocked(unit(Unit, Reason)))) -->
1650 [ 'PL-Unit: ~w blocked: ~w'-[Unit, Reason] ].
1651message(plunit(running([]))) -->
1652 !,
1653 [ 'PL-Unit: no tests running' ].
1654message(plunit(running([One]))) -->
1655 !,
1656 [ 'PL-Unit: running ' ],
1657 running(One).
1658message(plunit(running(More))) -->
1659 !,
1660 [ 'PL-Unit: running tests:', nl ],
1661 running(More).
1662message(plunit(fixme([]))) --> !.
1663message(plunit(fixme(Tuples))) -->
1664 !,
1665 fixme_message(Tuples).
1667 1668message(plunit(blocked(1))) -->
1669 !,
1670 [ 'one test is blocked:'-[] ].
1671message(plunit(blocked(N))) -->
1672 [ '~D tests are blocked:'-[N] ].
1673message(plunit(blocked(Pos, Name, Reason))) -->
1674 locationprefix(Pos),
1675 test_name(Name),
1676 [ ': ~w'-[Reason] ].
1678 1679message(plunit(no_tests)) -->
1680 !,
1681 [ 'No tests to run' ].
1682message(plunit(all_passed(1))) -->
1683 !,
1684 [ 'test passed' ].
1685message(plunit(all_passed(Count))) -->
1686 !,
1687 [ 'All ~D tests passed'-[Count] ].
1688message(plunit(passed(Count))) -->
1689 !,
1690 [ '~D tests passed'-[Count] ].
1691message(plunit(failed(0))) -->
1692 !,
1693 [].
1694message(plunit(failed(1))) -->
1695 !,
1696 [ '1 test failed'-[] ].
1697message(plunit(failed(N))) -->
1698 [ '~D tests failed'-[N] ].
1699message(plunit(failed_assertions(0))) -->
1700 !,
1701 [].
1702message(plunit(failed_assertions(1))) -->
1703 !,
1704 [ '1 assertion failed'-[] ].
1705message(plunit(failed_assertions(N))) -->
1706 [ '~D assertions failed'-[N] ].
1707message(plunit(sto(0))) -->
1708 !,
1709 [].
1710message(plunit(sto(N))) -->
1711 [ '~D test results depend on unification mode'-[N] ].
1712message(plunit(fixme(0,0,0))) -->
1713 [].
1714message(plunit(fixme(Failed,0,0))) -->
1715 !,
1716 [ 'all ~D tests flagged FIXME failed'-[Failed] ].
1717message(plunit(fixme(Failed,Passed,0))) -->
1718 [ 'FIXME: ~D failed; ~D passed'-[Failed, Passed] ].
1719message(plunit(fixme(Failed,Passed,Nondet))) -->
1720 { TotalPassed is Passed+Nondet },
1721 [ 'FIXME: ~D failed; ~D passed; (~D nondet)'-
1722 [Failed, TotalPassed, Nondet] ].
1723message(plunit(failed(Unit, Name, Line, Failure))) -->
1724 { unit_file(Unit, File) },
1725 locationprefix(File:Line),
1726 test_name(Name),
1727 [': '-[] ],
1728 failure(Failure).
1729:- if(swi). 1730message(plunit(failed_assertion(Unit, Name, Line, AssertLoc,
1731 _STO, Reason, Goal))) -->
1732 { unit_file(Unit, File) },
1733 locationprefix(File:Line),
1734 test_name(Name),
1735 [ ': assertion'-[] ],
1736 assertion_location(AssertLoc, File),
1737 assertion_reason(Reason), ['\n\t'],
1738 assertion_goal(Unit, Goal).
1740assertion_location(File:Line, File) -->
1741 [ ' at line ~w'-[Line] ].
1742assertion_location(File:Line, _) -->
1743 [ ' at ', url(File:Line) ].
1744assertion_location(unknown, _) -->
1745 [].
1747assertion_reason(fail) -->
1748 !,
1749 [ ' failed'-[] ].
1750assertion_reason(Error) -->
1751 { message_to_string(Error, String) },
1752 [ ' raised "~w"'-[String] ].
1754assertion_goal(Unit, Goal) -->
1755 { unit_module(Unit, Module),
1756 unqualify(Goal, Module, Plain)
1757 },
1758 [ 'Assertion: ~p'-[Plain] ].
1760unqualify(Var, _, Var) :-
1761 var(Var),
1762 !.
1763unqualify(M:Goal, Unit, Goal) :-
1764 nonvar(M),
1765 unit_module(Unit, M),
1766 !.
1767unqualify(M:Goal, _, Goal) :-
1768 callable(Goal),
1769 predicate_property(M:Goal, imported_from(system)),
1770 !.
1771unqualify(Goal, _, Goal).
1773result(passed) --> ['.'-[]].
1774result(nondet) --> ['+'-[]].
1775result(fixme(passed)) --> ['*'-[]].
1776result(fixme(failed)) --> ['!'-[]].
1777result(failed) --> ['-'-[]].
1778result(assertion) --> ['A'-[]].
1780:- endif. 1781 1782message(plunit(error(Where, Context, Exception))) -->
1783 locationprefix(Context),
1784 { message_to_string(Exception, String) },
1785 [ 'error in ~w: ~w'-[Where, String] ].
1787 1788message(plunit(sto(Unit, Name, Line))) -->
1789 { unit_file(Unit, File) },
1790 locationprefix(File:Line),
1791 test_name(Name),
1792 [' is subject to occurs check (STO): '-[] ].
1793message(plunit(sto(Type, Result))) -->
1794 sto_type(Type),
1795 sto_result(Result).
1797 1798:- if(swi). 1799message(interrupt(begin)) -->
1800 { thread_self(Me),
1801 running(Unit, Test, Line, STO, Me),
1802 !,
1803 unit_file(Unit, File)
1804 },
1805 [ 'Interrupted test '-[] ],
1806 running(running(Unit:Test, File:Line, STO, Me)),
1807 [nl],
1808 '$messages':prolog_message(interrupt(begin)).
1809message(interrupt(begin)) -->
1810 '$messages':prolog_message(interrupt(begin)).
1811:- endif. 1812
1813test_name(@(Name,Bindings)) -->
1814 !,
1815 [ 'test ~w (forall bindings = ~p)'-[Name, Bindings] ].
1816test_name(Name) -->
1817 !,
1818 [ 'test ~w'-[Name] ].
1820sto_type(sto_error_incomplete) -->
1821 [ 'Finite trees (error checking): ' ].
1822sto_type(rational_trees) -->
1823 [ 'Rational trees: ' ].
1824sto_type(finite_trees) -->
1825 [ 'Finite trees: ' ].
1827sto_result(success(_Unit, _Name, _Line, Det, Time)) -->
1828 det(Det),
1829 [ ' success in ~3f seconds'-[Time.cpu] ].
1830sto_result(failure(_Unit, _Name, _Line, How, _Time)) -->
1831 failure(How).
1833det(true) -->
1834 [ 'deterministic' ].
1835det(false) -->
1836 [ 'non-deterministic' ].
1838running(running(Unit:Test, File:Line, STO, Thread)) -->
1839 thread(Thread),
1840 [ '~q:~q at '-[Unit, Test], url(File:Line) ],
1841 current_sto(STO).
1842running([H|T]) -->
1843 ['\t'], running(H),
1844 ( {T == []}
1845 -> []
1846 ; [nl], running(T)
1847 ).
1849thread(main) --> !.
1850thread(Other) -->
1851 [' [~w] '-[Other] ].
1853current_sto(sto_error_incomplete) -->
1854 [ ' (STO: error checking)' ].
1855current_sto(rational_trees) -->
1856 [].
1857current_sto(finite_trees) -->
1858 [ ' (STO: occurs check enabled)' ].
1860:- if(swi). 1861write_term(T, OPS) -->
1862 ['~@'-[write_term(T,OPS)]].
1863:- else. 1864write_term(T, _OPS) -->
1865 ['~q'-[T]].
1866:- endif. 1867
1868expected_got_ops_(Ex, E, OPS, Goals) -->
1869 [' Expected: '-[]], write_term(Ex, OPS), [nl],
1870 [' Got: '-[]], write_term(E, OPS), [nl],
1871 ( { Goals = [] } -> []
1872 ; [' with: '-[]], write_term(Goals, OPS), [nl]
1873 ).
1876failure(Var) -->
1877 { var(Var) },
1878 !,
1879 [ 'Unknown failure?' ].
1880failure(succeeded(Time)) -->
1881 !,
1882 [ 'must fail but succeeded in ~2f seconds~n'-[Time] ].
1883failure(wrong_error(Expected, Error)) -->
1884 !,
1885 { copy_term(Expected-Error, Ex-E, Goals),
1886 numbervars(Ex-E-Goals, 0, _),
1887 write_options(OPS)
1888 },
1889 [ 'wrong error'-[], nl ],
1890 expected_got_ops_(Ex, E, OPS, Goals).
1891failure(wrong_answer(Cmp)) -->
1892 { Cmp =.. [Op,Answer,Expected],
1893 !,
1894 copy_term(Expected-Answer, Ex-A, Goals),
1895 numbervars(Ex-A-Goals, 0, _),
1896 write_options(OPS)
1897 },
1898 [ 'wrong answer (compared using ~w)'-[Op], nl ],
1899 expected_got_ops_(Ex, A, OPS, Goals).
1900failure(wrong_answer(CmpExpected, Bindings)) -->
1901 { ( CmpExpected = all(Cmp)
1902 -> Cmp =.. [_Op1,_,Expected],
1903 Got = Bindings,
1904 Type = all
1905 ; CmpExpected = set(Cmp),
1906 Cmp =.. [_Op2,_,Expected0],
1907 sort(Expected0, Expected),
1908 sort(Bindings, Got),
1909 Type = set
1910 )
1911 },
1912 [ 'wrong "~w" answer:'-[Type] ],
1913 [ nl, ' Expected: ~q'-[Expected] ],
1914 [ nl, ' Found: ~q'-[Got] ].
1915:- if(swi). 1916failure(cmp_error(_Cmp, Error)) -->
1917 { message_to_string(Error, Message) },
1918 [ 'Comparison error: ~w'-[Message] ].
1919failure(Error) -->
1920 { Error = error(_,_),
1921 !,
1922 message_to_string(Error, Message)
1923 },
1924 [ 'received error: ~w'-[Message] ].
1925:- endif. 1926failure(Why) -->
1927 [ '~p'-[Why] ].
1929fixme_message([]) --> [].
1930fixme_message([fixme(Unit, _Name, Line, Reason, How)|T]) -->
1931 { unit_file(Unit, File) },
1932 fixme_message(File:Line, Reason, How),
1933 ( {T == []}
1934 -> []
1935 ; [nl],
1936 fixme_message(T)
1937 ).
1939fixme_message(Location, Reason, failed) -->
1940 [ 'FIXME: ~w: ~w'-[Location, Reason] ].
1941fixme_message(Location, Reason, passed) -->
1942 [ 'FIXME: ~w: passed ~w'-[Location, Reason] ].
1943fixme_message(Location, Reason, nondet) -->
1944 [ 'FIXME: ~w: passed (nondet) ~w'-[Location, Reason] ].
1947write_options([ numbervars(true),
1948 quoted(true),
1949 portray(true),
1950 max_depth(100),
1951 attributes(portray)
1952 ]).
1954:- if(swi). 1955
1956:- multifile
1957 prolog:message/3,
1958 user:message_hook/3. 1959
1960prolog:message(Term) -->
1961 message(Term).
1965user:message_hook(make(done(Files)), _, _) :-
1966 make_run_tests(Files),
1967 fail. 1968
1969:- endif. 1970
1971:- if(sicstus). 1972
1973user:generate_message_hook(Message) -->
1974 message(Message),
1975 [nl].
1984user:message_hook(informational, plunit(begin(Unit)), _Lines) :-
1985 format(user_error, '% PL-Unit: ~w ', [Unit]),
1986 flush_output(user_error).
1987user:message_hook(informational, plunit(end(_Unit)), _Lines) :-
1988 format(user, ' done~n', []).
1990:- endif.
Unit Testing
Unit testing environment for SWI-Prolog and SICStus Prolog. For usage, please visit https://www.swi-prolog.org/pldoc/package/plunit. */