PublicShow -- Pretty Print Prolog terms

This module is a first start of what should become a full-featured pretty printer for Prolog terms with many options and parameters. Eventually, it should replace portray_clause/1 and various other special-purpose predicates.

To be done
- This is just a quicky. We need proper handling of portray/1, avoid printing very long terms multiple times, spacing (around operators), etc.
- Use a record for the option-processing.
- The current approach is far too simple, often resulting in illegal terms.
Source print_term(+Term, +Options) is det
Pretty print a Prolog term. The following options are processed:
Define the output stream. Default is user_output
Width of a line. If the output is a tty and tty_size/2 can produce a size the default is the number of columns minus 8. Otherwise the default is 72 characters. If the Column is unbound it is unified with the computed value.
Left margin for continuation lines. Default is the current line position or 0 if that is not available.
Distance between tab-stops. Default is 8 characters.
Defines how arguments of compound terms are placed. Defined values are:
Simply place them left to right (no line-breaks)
Place them vertically, aligned with the open bracket (not implemented)
auto (default)
As horizontal if line-width is not exceeded, vertical otherwise.
An integer
Place them vertically aligned, <N> spaces to the right of the beginning of the head.
This is the inverse of the write_term/3 option ignore_ops. Default is to respect them.
List of options passed to write_term/3 for terms that are not further processed. Default:
    [ numbervars(true),
If true (default false), add a full stop (.) to the output.
If true (default false), add a newline to the output.