/* Part of SWI-Prolog Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (c) 2010-2020, University of Amsterdam VU University Amsterdam SWI-Prolog Solutions b.v. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ :- module(sparql_client, [ sparql_query/3, % +Query, -Row, +Options sparql_set_server/1, % +Options sparql_read_xml_result/2, % +Stream, -Result sparql_read_json_result/2 % +Input, -Result ]). :- autoload(library(apply), [maplist/3, maplist/4, partition/4]). :- autoload(library(gensym), [gensym/2]). :- autoload(library(lists), [member/2]). :- autoload(library(option), [select_option/3, select_option/4, merge_options/3]). :- autoload(library(rdf), [load_rdf/2]). :- autoload(library(readutil), [read_stream_to_codes/2]). :- autoload(library(sgml), [load_structure/3]). :- autoload(library(uri), [ uri_components/2, uri_data/3, uri_authority_components/2, uri_authority_data/3 ]). :- autoload(library(http/http_open), [http_open/3]). :- autoload(library(http/json), [json_read/2]). :- autoload(library(semweb/turtle), [rdf_read_turtle/3]). /** SPARQL client library This module provides a SPARQL client. For example: ``` ?- sparql_query('select * where { ?x rdfs:label "Amsterdam" }', Row, [ host('dbpedia.org'), path('/sparql/')]). Row = row('http://www.ontologyportal.org/WordNet#WN30-108949737') ; false. ``` Or, querying a local server using an ``ASK`` query: ``` ?- sparql_query('ask { owl:Class rdfs:label "Class" }', Row, [ host('localhost'), port(3020), path('/sparql/')]). Row = true. ``` HTTPS servers are supported using the scheme(https) option: ``` ?- sparql_query('select * where { ?x rdfs:label "Amsterdam"@nl }', Row, [ scheme(https), host('query.wikidata.org'), path('/sparql') ]). ``` */ %! sparql_query(+Query, -Result, +Options) is nondet. % % Execute a SPARQL query on an HTTP SPARQL endpoint. Query is an atom % that denotes the query. Result is unified to a term rdf(S,P,O) for % ``CONSTRUCT`` and ``DESCRIBE`` queries, row(...) for ``SELECT`` % queries and `true` or `false` for ``ASK`` queries. Options are % % Variables that are unbound in SPARQL (e.g., due to SPARQL optional % clauses), are bound in Prolog to the atom `'$null$'`. % % - endpoint(+URL) % May be used as alternative to Scheme, Host, Port and Path % to specify the endpoint in a single option. % - host(+Host) % - port(+Port) % - path(+Path) % - scheme(+Scheme) % The above four options set the location of the server. % - search(+ListOfParams) % Provide additional query parameters, such as the graph. % - variable_names(-ListOfNames) % Unifies ListOfNames with a list of atoms that describe the % names of the variables in a =SELECT= query. % % Remaining options are passed to http_open/3. The defaults for Host, % Port and Path can be set using sparql_set_server/1. The initial % default for port is 80 and path is `/sparql/`. % % For example, the ClioPatria server understands the parameter % `entailment`. The code below queries for all triples using % _rdfs_entailment. % % ``` % ?- sparql_query('select * where { ?s ?p ?o }', % Row, % [ search([entailment=rdfs]) % ]). % ``` % % Another useful option is the `request_header` which, for example, % may be used to trick force a server to reply using a particular % document format: % % ``` % ?- sparql_query( % 'select * where { ?s ?p ?o }', % Row, % [ host('integbio.jp'), % path('/rdf/sparql'), % request_header('Accept' = % 'application/sparql-results+xml') % ]). % ``` sparql_query(Query, Row, Options) :- ( select_option(endpoint(URL), Options, Options5) -> uri_components(URL, Components), uri_data(scheme, Components, Scheme), uri_data(authority, Components, Auth), uri_data(path, Components, Path), uri_data(search, Components, Extra), ignore(Extra = []), uri_authority_components(Auth, AComp), uri_authority_data(host, AComp, Host), uri_authority_data(port, AComp, Port), ( var(Port) -> sparql_port(Scheme, Port, _, _) ; true ) ; sparql_param(scheme(Scheme), Options, Options1), sparql_port(Scheme, Port, Options1, Options2), sparql_param(host(Host), Options2, Options3), sparql_param(path(Path), Options3, Options4), select_option(search(Extra), Options4, Options5, []) ), select_option(variable_names(VarNames), Options5, Options6, _), partition(is_url_option, Options6, UrlOptions, HTTPOptions), sparql_extra_headers(HTTPOptions0), merge_options(HTTPOptions, HTTPOptions0, HTTPOptions1), http_open([ scheme(Scheme), host(Host), port(Port), path(Path), search([ query = Query | Extra ]) | UrlOptions ], In, [ header(content_type, ContentType), status_code(Status) | HTTPOptions1 ]), plain_content_type(ContentType, CleanType), read_reply(Status, CleanType, In, VarNames, Row). url_option(scheme). url_option(user). url_option(password). url_option(host). url_option(port). url_option(path). url_option(query_string). url_option(search). is_url_option(Name = _Value) :- url_option(Name), !. is_url_option(Opt) :- compound(Opt), functor(Opt, Name, 1), url_option(Name). %! sparql_extra_headers(-List) % % Send extra headers with the request. Note that, although we also % process RDF embedded in HTML, we do not explicitely ask for it. % Doing so causes some (e.g., http://w3.org/2004/02/skos/core to % reply with the HTML description rather than the RDF). sparql_extra_headers( [ request_header('Accept' = 'application/sparql-results+xml, \c application/n-triples, \c application/x-turtle; q=0.9, \c application/turtle; q=0.9, \c text/turtle, \c application/sparql-results+json, \c application/rdf+xml, \c text/rdf+xml; q=0.8, \c */*; q=0.1') ]). %! read_reply(+Status, +ContentType, +In, -Close, -Row) read_reply(200, ContentType, In, Close, Row) :- !, read_reply(ContentType, In, Close, Row). read_reply(Status, _ContentType, In, _Close, _Row) :- call_cleanup(read_string(In, _, Reply), close(In, [force(true)])), throw(error(sparql_error(Status, Reply), _)). read_reply('application/rdf+xml', In, _, Row) :- !, call_cleanup(load_rdf(stream(In), RDF), close(In)), member(Row, RDF). read_reply(MIME, In, _, Row) :- turtle_media_type(MIME), !, call_cleanup(rdf_read_turtle(stream(In), RDF, []), close(In)), member(Row, RDF). read_reply(MIME, In, VarNames, Row) :- sparql_result_mime(MIME), !, call_cleanup(sparql_read_xml_result(stream(In), Result), close(In)), varnames(Result, VarNames), xml_result(Result, Row). read_reply(MIME, In, VarNames, Row) :- json_result_mime(MIME), !, call_cleanup(sparql_read_json_result(stream(In), Result), close(In)), ( Result = select(VarNames, Rows) -> member(Row, Rows) ; Result = ask(True) -> Row = True, VarNames = [] ). read_reply(Type, In, _, _) :- read_stream_to_codes(In, Codes), string_codes(Reply, Codes), close(In), throw(error(domain_error(sparql_result_document, Type), context(_, Reply))). turtle_media_type('application/x-turtle'). turtle_media_type('application/turtle'). turtle_media_type('application/n-triples'). turtle_media_type('text/rdf+n3'). turtle_media_type('text/turtle'). sparql_result_mime('application/sparql-results+xml'). % official sparql_result_mime('application/sparql-result+xml'). json_result_mime('application/sparql-results+json'). plain_content_type(Type, Plain) :- sub_atom(Type, B, _, _, (;)), !, sub_string(Type, 0, B, _, Main), normalize_space(atom(Plain), Main). plain_content_type(Type, Type). xml_result(ask(Bool), Result) :- !, Result = Bool. xml_result(select(_VarNames, Rows), Result) :- member(Result, Rows). varnames(ask(_), _). varnames(select(VarTerm, _Rows), VarNames) :- VarTerm =.. [_|VarNames]. /******************************* * SETTINGS * *******************************/ :- dynamic sparql_setting/1. sparql_setting(scheme(http)). sparql_setting(path('/sparql/')). sparql_param(Param, Options0, Options) :- select_option(Param, Options0, Options), !. sparql_param(Param, Options, Options) :- sparql_setting(Param), !. sparql_param(Param, Options, Options) :- functor(Param, Name, _), throw(error(existence_error(option, Name), _)). sparql_port(_Scheme, Port, Options0, Options) :- select_option(port(Port), Options0, Options), !. sparql_port(_Scheme, Port, Options, Options) :- sparql_setting(port(Port)), !. sparql_port(http, 80, Options, Options) :- !. sparql_port(https, 443, Options, Options) :- !. %! sparql_set_server(+OptionOrList) % % Set sparql server default options. Provided defaults are: % host, port and repository. For example: % % == % sparql_set_server([ host(localhost), % port(8080) % path(world) % ]) % == % % The default for port is 80 and path is =|/sparql/|=. sparql_set_server([]) :- !. sparql_set_server([H|T]) :- !, sparql_set_server(H), sparql_set_server(T). sparql_set_server(Term) :- functor(Term, Name, Arity), functor(Unbound, Name, Arity), retractall(sparql_setting(Unbound)), assert(sparql_setting(Term)). /******************************* * RESULT * *******************************/ ns(sparql, 'http://www.w3.org/2005/sparql-results#'). /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Read the SPARQL XML result format as defined in http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-sparql-XMLres/, version 6 April 2006. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ /******************************* * MACRO HANDLING * *******************************/ % substitute 'sparql' by the namespace defined above for better % readability of the remainder of the code. term_subst(V, _, _, V) :- var(V), !. term_subst(F, F, T, T) :- !. term_subst(C, F, T, C2) :- compound(C), !, functor(C, Name, Arity), functor(C2, Name, Arity), term_subst(0, Arity, C, F, T, C2). term_subst(T, _, _, T). term_subst(A, A, _, _, _, _) :- !. term_subst(I0, Arity, C0, F, T, C) :- I is I0 + 1, arg(I, C0, A0), term_subst(A0, F, T, A), arg(I, C, A), term_subst(I, Arity, C0, F, T, C). term_expansion(T0, T) :- ns(sparql, NS), term_subst(T0, sparql, NS, T). /******************************* * READING * *******************************/ %! sparql_read_xml_result(+Input, -Result) % % Specs from http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-sparql-XMLres/. The returned % Result term is of the format: % % * select(VarNames, Rows) % Where VarNames is a term v(Name, ...) and Rows is a % list of row(....) containing the column values in the % same order as the variable names. % % * ask(Bool) % Where Bool is either =true= or =false= :- thread_local bnode_map/2. sparql_read_xml_result(Input, Result) :- load_structure(Input, DOM, [ dialect(xmlns) ]), call_cleanup(dom_to_result(DOM, Result), retractall(bnode_map(_,_))). dom_to_result(DOM, Result) :- ( sub_element(DOM, sparql:head, _HAtt, Content) -> variables(Content, Vars) ; Vars = [] ), ( Vars == [], sub_element(DOM, sparql:boolean, _, [TrueFalse]) -> Result = ask(TrueFalse) ; VarTerm =.. [v|Vars], Result = select(VarTerm, Rows), sub_element(DOM, sparql:results, _RAtt, RContent) -> rows(RContent, Vars, Rows) ), !. % Guarantee finalization %! variables(+DOM, -Varnames) % % Deals with . Head also may contain . This points to additional meta-data. Not really % clear what we can do with that. variables([], []). variables([element(sparql:variable, Att, [])|T0], [Name|T]) :- !, memberchk(name=Name, Att), variables(T0, T). variables([element(sparql:link, _, _)|T0], T) :- !, variables(T0, T). variables([CDATA|T0], T) :- atomic(CDATA), variables(T0, T). rows([], _, []). rows([R|T0], Vars, [Row|T]) :- R = element(sparql:result, _, _), !, row_values(Vars, R, Values), Row =.. [row|Values], rows(T0, Vars, T). rows([CDATA|T0], Vars, T) :- atomic(CDATA), rows(T0, Vars, T). row_values([], _, []). row_values([Var|VarT], DOM, [Value|ValueT]) :- ( sub_element(DOM, sparql:binding, Att, Content), memberchk(name=Var, Att) -> value(Content, Value) ; Value = '$null$' ), row_values(VarT, DOM, ValueT). value([element(sparql:literal, Att, Content)|Rest], literal(Lit)) :- !, white(Rest), lit_value(Content, Value), ( memberchk(datatype=Type, Att) -> Lit = type(Type, Value) ; memberchk(xml:lang=Lang, Att) -> Lit = lang(Lang, Value) ; Lit = Value ). value([element(sparql:uri, [], [URI])|Rest], URI) :- !, white(Rest). value([element(sparql:bnode, [], [NodeID])|Rest], URI) :- !, white(Rest), bnode(NodeID, URI). value([element(sparql:unbound, [], [])|Rest], '$null$') :- !, white(Rest). value([CDATA|Rest], Value) :- atomic(CDATA), value(Rest, Value). white([]). white([CDATA|T]) :- atomic(CDATA), white(T). lit_value([], ''). lit_value([Value], Value). %! sub_element(+DOM, +Name, -Atttribs, -Content) sub_element(element(Name, Att, Content), Name, Att, Content). sub_element(element(_, _, List), Name, Att, Content) :- sub_element(List, Name, Att, Content). sub_element([H|T], Name, Att, Content) :- ( sub_element(H, Name, Att, Content) ; sub_element(T, Name, Att, Content) ). bnode(Name, URI) :- bnode_map(Name, URI), !. bnode(Name, URI) :- gensym('__bnode', URI0), assertz(bnode_map(Name, URI0)), URI = URI0. %! sparql_read_json_result(+Input, -Result) is det. % % The returned Result term is of the format: % % * select(VarNames, Rows) % Where VarNames is a term v(Name, ...) and Rows is a % list of row(....) containing the column values in the % same order as the variable names. % % * ask(Bool) % Where Bool is either =true= or =false= % % @see http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-sparql-json-res/ sparql_read_json_result(Input, Result) :- setup_call_cleanup( open_input(Input, In, Close), read_json_result(In, Result), close_input(Close)). open_input(stream(In), In, Close) :- !, encoding(In, utf8, Close). open_input(In, In, Close) :- is_stream(In), !, encoding(In, utf8, Close). open_input(File, In, close(In)) :- open(File, read, In, [encoding(utf8)]). encoding(In, Encoding, Close) :- stream_property(In, encoding(Old)), ( Encoding == Old -> Close = true ; set_stream(In, encoding(Encoding)), Close = set_stream(In, Encoding, Old) ). close_input(close(In)) :- !, retractall(bnode_map(_,_)), close(In). close_input(_) :- retractall(bnode_map(_,_)). read_json_result(In, Result) :- json_read(In, JSON), json_to_result(JSON, Result). json_to_result(json([ head = json(Head), results = json(Body) ]), select(Vars, Rows)) :- memberchk(vars=VarList, Head), Vars =.. [v|VarList], memberchk(bindings=Bindings, Body), !, maplist(json_row(VarList), Bindings, Rows). json_to_result(json(JSon), ask(Boolean)) :- memberchk(boolean = @(Boolean), JSon). json_row(Vars, json(Columns), Row) :- maplist(json_cell, Vars, Columns, Values), !, Row =.. [row|Values]. json_row(Vars, json(Columns), Row) :- maplist(json_cell_or_null(Columns), Vars, Values), Row =.. [row|Values]. json_cell(Var, Var=json(JValue), Value) :- memberchk(type=Type, JValue), jvalue(Type, JValue, Value). json_cell_or_null(Columns, Var, Value) :- memberchk(Var=json(JValue), Columns), !, memberchk(type=Type, JValue), jvalue(Type, JValue, Value). json_cell_or_null(_, _, '$null$'). jvalue(uri, JValue, URI) :- memberchk(value=URI, JValue). jvalue(literal, JValue, literal(Literal)) :- memberchk(value=Value, JValue), ( memberchk('xml:lang'=Lang, JValue) -> Literal = lang(Lang, Value) ; memberchk('datatype'=Type, JValue) -> Literal = type(Type, Value) ; Literal = Value ). jvalue('typed-literal', JValue, literal(type(Type, Value))) :- memberchk(value=Value, JValue), memberchk('datatype'=Type, JValue). jvalue(bnode, JValue, URI) :- memberchk(value=NodeID, JValue), bnode(NodeID, URI).