PublicShow -- Graphical debugger utilities

This module provides utilities that use the graphical debugger rather than the conventional 4-port commandline debugger. This library is part of XPCE.

See also
- library(threadutil) provides another set t* predicates that deal with threads.
Source guitracer is det
Enable the graphical debugger. A subsequent call to trace/0 opens the de debugger window. The tranditional debugger can be re-enabled using noguitracer/0.
Source noguitracer is det
Disable the graphical debugger.
See also
- guitracer/0
Source gtrace is det
Like trace/0, but uses the graphical tracer.
Source gtrace(:Goal) is det
Trace Goal in a separate thread, such that the toplevel remains free for user interaction.
Source gspy(:Spec) is det
Same as spy/1, but uses the graphical debugger.
Source gdebug is det
Same as debug/0, but uses the graphical tracer.
Source gtrap(+Exception) is det
Trap exceptions matching Exception using trap/1 and start the graphical tracer.